Instructions for Authors

Editorial Policies

Manuscripts are processed with the understanding that they have not been published or submitted for publication in whole or in part elsewhere. Such prior publication includes appearance in a previously published review article, book chapter, published symposium or journal supplement, or internet publication. Prior presentation or publication as an abstract at a scientific meeting or as an unindexed lecture handout does not present a conflict. Please clarify unusual situations with the editorial office prior to submission.

Submissions are received with the understanding that all listed authors have participated in the planning, implementation and/or analysis phases of the work presented; manuscripts drafted by anyone not listed as an author are not acceptable. All authors have drafted or reviewed the contents critically; all authors have given final approval of the version to be published and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. All authors are asked to attest to the accuracy and validity of the contents. All persons or organizations involved in data collection or processing must be listed as authors or otherwise acknowledged.

The submitted manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter identifying the corresponding author’s name, mailing and e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers. The cover letter should (1) include statements regarding the above policies; (2) disclose any of the authors’ commercial associations that represent a conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted (other associations such as consultancies, equity interests, or patent licensing arrangements should be noted at the time of submission); (3) clearly define any and all funding sources supporting the submitted work including all corporate sponsors, even if their support is indirect (e.g.: to a local research foundation that funded the project); and (4) include the statement "the authors undersigned hereby transfer, assign, or otherwise convey all copyright ownership to the Journal of Education in Perioperative Medicine effective if and when the submission is accepted for publication."

Manuscripts are reviewed by two or more members of the editorial board to determine validity, importance, originality of contents and conclusions. At the discretion of the editor-in-chief, manuscripts may be reviewed by ad-hoc reviewers with specialized expertise. Authors are encouraged to suggest the names of potential reviewers. Authors will usually be notified within 4 weeks whether articles are accepted, rejected, or require revision prior to acceptance. In some cases, the review process may take longer; substantial revisions may be required before a decision can be made. Authors may check the status of their manuscript in the PeerTrack platform or by contacting [email protected].

The editorial board discourages authors from dividing the results of a single investigation into separate papers unless the presentation of the entire work in a single paper cannot be accomplished in a well-organized fashion. If the authors believe that subdivision is appropriate, the editor should be notified at the time of original submission. The editor must also be notified if another manuscript derived from the same investigation has been published previously, or has been submitted to another journal. Failure to provide such information may be grounds for rejection.

Investigations performed on humans must conform to ethical standards, and must be approved by the authors’ institutional human investigation committee. If not applicable in educational work, please provide a statement to that effect, citing the local institutional policy. A statement concerning institutional approval and consent procedures must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript. Faces must not be recognizable if used to illustrate a particular educational technique or study procedure. Do not use patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers.

Types of Papers Accepted

Review Articles on topics applicable to education in perioperative medicine. Material from the spheres of anesthesiology, pain management and intensive care is encouraged. Review topics can include, but are not limited to, educational processes, major currents in education policy (e.g.: environmental, ethical, regulatory), educational tools or techniques. Reviews are usually submitted after prior consultation with the editors and are subject to the peer review process. They should contain a maximum of 4,000 words and 60 references.

Original Articles should address a focused issue or problem in perioperative education which has been addressed by the authors’ quantitative or qualitative original research. Research methods may include, but are not limited to: surveys, interviews, expert script analysis, quantitative observational techniques and videotape analysis. Articles must not exceed 3,000 words and should not include more than 6 illustrations and tables. Note that each separate part of a figure counts as an illustration. Up to 30 references are permitted.

Special Articles may address an important education issue, research methodology or education process not easily dealt with as a review or original paper.

Brief Reports should include short original studies or reports which are preliminary in nature and deal with small samples. They should not exceed 1,500 words; 1 or 2 illustrations and up to 10 references are permitted. Original articles and brief reports can feature interactive teaching and learning tools. Authors are encouraged to provide information which makes it possible for the Journal to provide electronic links to access such tools. Please consult the editorial office if special requirements arise.

Letters to the Editor/Editorials should remain under 1000 words with 3 or less references. For questions or concerns related to topics, contact [email protected].

General Preparation of Manuscripts

It is the responsibility of the author to write in standard grammatical English. All manuscripts must be typed double-spaced throughout (including references, table and figure legends) on a 8-1/2 x 11" (21.6 x 27.9 cm) layout. Font size should be 12 point Arial Narrow or Helvetica Narrow with one (1) inch (2.5 cm) margins at top, bottom, and both sides of all pages. Please submit all manuscripts with continuous line numbers and number all pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Place the page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page. Manuscripts will not be considered for review unless the above criteria are met.

Arrange manuscripts in the following fashion beginning each section on a separate page:

Title Page: The title page should contain the title of the article; the first name, middle initial, and last name of each author, with their highest academic rank (including fellowship and board affiliations), and institutional affiliations; the name, complete mailing address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author; the department and institution to which the work should be attributed; the source(s) of financial support from foundations, institutions, pharmaceutical, and other private companies.

Abstract: For original articles and brief reports, provide an abstract of no more than 250 words. It should contain four paragraphs: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. They should briefly describe, respectively, the problem being addressed, how the study was performed, the salient results, and the authors’ conclusions. Below the abstract, list up to six (6) key words applicable to the contents of the manuscript. Use terms from the medical subject headings of Index Medicus whenever possible.

Text: The body of the manuscript is usually, but not necessarily, divided into four parts (each beginning on a new page): Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; and Discussion.

Acknowledgments: Funding sources and corporate or institutional associations should be given on the title page. Acknowledgments to individuals who assisted with the study or with manuscript preparation, including statistical review, should appear on a separate page before references.

References: Double-space references throughout, numbering in the sequence in which they appear in the text. Type reference numbers in the text as superscripts (e.g.: above the line of text). Restrict references to those that have direct bearing on the work described. Include names and initials of all authors, title, abbreviated titles of the medical journals as they appear in Index Medicus and Science Citation Index, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers. Include only references accessible to all readers. You may cite material appearing in programs of meetings or in organizational publications provided they are accessible in a library setting. Material on the World Wide Web may be referenced if properly identified by their most current internet address and subdirectory. Abstracts are acceptable as references only if published within the previous five (5) years in an indexed journal or otherwise publicly accessible medium. Abstracts, editorials, and letters used as references should be identified as such parenthetically following the title. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted for publication are not acceptable as references. If you cite manuscripts "in press" as references, please provide a copy of those manuscripts when you submit the new manuscript and mark them as "in press".

Use the following formats:

Journal: (List all of the authors when four (4) or less; when five (5) or more, list only the first three and add et al.) Breslow MJ, Jordan DA, Christopherson R, et al. Epidural morphine decreases postoperative hypertension by attenuating sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity. JAMA 1989;261:3577-81.

Book: Schubert A. Clinical Neuroanesthesia, Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers, Boston, MA, 1997.

Chapter: Maze M, Baden JM. Anesthesia for patients with liver disease, In: Miller RD (Ed.). Anesthesia, 2nd ed. New York, Churchill Livingstone Inc. 1986;1665-80.

Legend for Illustrations: Provide a full legend for each illustration. Type legends double-spaced on a separate page after references, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustration (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. Define all abbreviations used in each illustration. Repeat definition if the abbreviation is used in a subsequent legend.

Tables: Type tables double-spaced, each on a separate page. Number tables with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) consecutively in order of appearance. Each table must have a caption above the tabular material. Do not submit tables as photographs. Do not submit tables that rely on vertical lines for clarity or coherence; use as few horizontal lines as possible. Do not repeat information in a table that is already given in the text and do not make a table for data that can be reported in the text in one or two sentences.

Illustrations: Number figures with Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) consecutively in order of appearance. The contents and lettering of the illustrations should be of proportional size. For figures taken from another publication, permission letters releasing copyright for their reproduction are required once an article is accepted for publication.

Additional Information: Define all abbreviations. Do not create new abbreviations for procedures, experimental groups or attributes. Use generic drug names. Commercially available materials should be acknowledged by manufacturer with location, lot or model number, and configuration.

Artificial Intelligence Disclaimer

Authors are required to adhere to the Instructions to Authors with regards to author accountability, transparency, and maintenance of confidentiality of any content generated by AI and incorporated into a submitted manuscript for peer review and potential publication in the Journal of Education in Perioperative Medicine.

Because of the rapidly evolving nature of AI technologies, related policies, regulations, and best practices, all editorial policies are periodically modified. It is the responsibility of the authors to adhere to these principles and practices provided.

In brief, author considerations with respect to AI usage in generating manuscript content includes:

  • If AI-generated text is used, it should be presented as blockquote, textbox or figure, making clear that this text comes from an AI source.
  • The AI software should never be listed as an author.
  • The use of AI tools in ideation is allowed, but provide full disclosure on the extent of use of AI in the ideation or writing process.
  • Disclosure: Within the methods or acknowledgments sections; keep the complete original AI transcripts on file and submit all AI chatbot conversations used in the preparation of the manuscript as a Multimedia Appendix so reviewers and readers can assess the extent of text used from ChatGPT.
  • We warn against taking statements or references from AI software at face value as output may be fictional. If references are suggested by AI, authors are responsible to check and read them for accuracy. Authors must fact-check statements made by AI and are ultimately responsible for the content of their article.
  • The submission of manuscripts that are solely or to a large extent written by AI without proper disclosure constitutes academic misconduct.
Transmission of Manuscripts

All Manuscripts are required to be submitted via the PeerTrack platform ( and should be prepared using the General Preparation of Manuscripts section guidelines.

Each submission should include a cover letter and one (1) copy of the manuscript formatted as a Microsoft Word file (preferred) or PDF. Illustrations/figures must be in GIF or JPEG format and should not exceed 500K in size.