Faculty Portal

This SEA website was designed to help the educator by providing tools for teaching, curriculum design as well as providing information about promotion. If you would like to participate in developing additional materials, please contact either Dr. David Young at [email protected] or Dr. Titi Aina-Jones at [email protected].

Improve Your Teaching Skills

  1. SEA offers a community of educators with opportunities to do the following:
  2. Teaching tools
  3. Curriculum design: When designing a curriculum at your program, it is useful to take a look at what others are doing.
  4. Peer coaching

Manage Your Academic Career

  1. Understanding advancement on a teaching track.
  2. Documenting your work.
    • Curriculum vitae.
    • Educator's Portfolio: The role of educators is becoming more recognized in many departments/institutions. One important method of showcasing yourself is by including an Educator's Portfolio with your traditional CV. The website of The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators at the University of California, San Francisco is a great resource for anyone interested to get additional information on this subject. With permission, we hope to post some sample portfolios.
    • Teaching Portfolio: View and edit your teaching portfolio. If you do not have a username and password yet, please contact Dr. Tracey Straker ([email protected]).
  3. Publishing your work product.
    • JEPM: The Journal of Education in Perioperative Medicine (JEPM) is the official electronic journal of the SEA. It publishes peer reviewed articles twice (sometimes three times) annually with sections featuring review articles, original articles, special articles, brief reports and letters. There is also a section specifically devoted to educational materials called the electronic education library (EEL). The EEL is a format where educators are encouraged to submit educational materials which they find to be helpful.
  4. Help with your job: Career tips from fellow academic educators.
  5. Profiles of careers in education.
  6. Academic Resources.
    1. E-GCRME (Graduate Medical Education Faculty Development Resources): sponsored by the Council of Florida Medical School Deans, a list of GME Faculty Development Resources. To use this resource, one must set-up a free account with E-GCRME, but this list provides multiple links to other sites that offer free and paid resources.